Monday, June 17, 2019

AnsibleError: Unable to create local directories(/home/ubuntu/.ansible/tmp)

Ansible Error: 

AnsibleError: Unable to create local directories(/home/ubuntu/.ansible/tmp): [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/ubuntu/.ansible/tmp'

When I do ls -al I see the .ansible directory is owned by root. 

drwx------  3 root   root       4096 Jun 14 09:09 .ansible

So either run Ansible using sudo 
Change permissions of this directory to allow the logged in user to create files. 

ERROR! Unexpected Exception, this is probably a bug: 'PlaybookCLI' object has no attribute 'options

Error when running Ansible Playbook 

ERROR! Unexpected Exception, this is probably a bug: 'PlaybookCLI' object has no attribute 'options

Haven't been able to solve it yet. Looks like some Ansible version compatability. 

Friday, June 14, 2019

POD showing status Init:ImagePullBackOff

I'm trying to install Redis using Helm... It goes through all the steps fine but when I try to see the POD's I see the status as Init:ImagePullBackOff. 
Not sure what this really is. Have you come across such status for PODS? 

ubuntu@ip-10-0-64-140:~/$ kubectl get po --namespace platform-svcs
NAME                                         READY     STATUS                         RESTARTS   AGE
session-store-redis-ha-server-0   0/2           Init:ImagePullBackOff   0                  17s

Used the following command to get to events: 

kubectl describe pod session-store-redis-ha-server-0 --namespace platform-svcs

This pointed me to the problem that I do not have access to the repo having Redis image.